Friday, April 27, 2018

Blogg 7

Most of American's are familiar with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA). The policy that has allowed about 700,000  individuals who were brought to the United States when they were kids with no say of their own to have the opportunity to work and attend school.  The Obama administration brought this program to life believing that undocumented children should not be immigration main focused. Now that Trump is president he is trying to get rid of the DACA program. Arguing that Obama had exceeded his executive powers when he created the program. Leaving many people feeling scared, and unprotected. Many of the young people that are in the DACA program don't know a lot or anything about the country they were originally from. The United States is the only home they know. Trump administration has rescinded DACA, however, a federal judge ruled that the DACA should stay in place while different courts consider legal challenges to Trump's DACA termination. I personally don't agree with Trump's decision on getting rid of the program. I believe that we should allow other people to grow with our country. Especially the ones that respect, defend and love the United States like many of these young adults do. One other main reason I'm against the termination of the DACA program is that president Trump has always, and still is totally against immigrants. Even immigrants that are trying to better themselves and our country.  An outcome of the Trump administration will leave a lot of bright young people to leave this country by force.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Blog Six

Abortion is a very popular and sensitive topic to discuss. It's usually not something that people like to bring up or put there input.  In the blog, Ohio Bill That Bans All Abortions by my classmate Jeta Brovina its discussed that Ohio has passed a bill that would ban ALL abortions, and to even press criminal charges against the abortion providers and the women that is needing the abortion. I'm not only totally against this bill but disgusted by it. Nobody should have any say on what a woman decides to do with her body. I definitely agree with what Brovina wrote on her blog,  I feel that she really explained why she was against this bill, and also mentioned what we can do to stop it. I do think that she could have talked a little bit more about why woman decide to get in abortion and why it is very important to keep it around. Discussing this issues would have made the blog more personal and more informal.