In the article Can You Keep a Secret on International Women's Day? by Pat LaMarche, it goes into a lot of detail of how a woman still has to struggle to get the same pay and respect as a man. It also states that a woman gets judged by the way she is dressed, and the way she carries her body. Not for what she has to offer or how hard she works.
Over the years many women have been involved in protesting and fighting to get treated equally it still doesn't seem fair that a woman has to work twice as hard to be taken seriously. The article also mentions that woman are not getting treated with respect in other parts of the world. It's no secret that woman who live in a different part of the world get treated as property, and not as a person.
We as woman have really changed over the years we have definitely grown and became stronger knocking the man down hard and fast.
One main topic of this article includes our president. The author calls out Trump for talking down about Ms.Clifford. His defenders mentioned that Ms.Clifford can't be taken "serious" due to her lifestyle. Looking back on Trump's behavior, and the way his running our country should he be taken seriously? Many people will say no, and I would agree.
The article does not specify who the main audience is, but I believe that it's towards anybody who doubts a woman. The author's credibility is supported by true events that happen in the past and are currently happening.
I definitely agree with this article and believe that we should find a way to get treated equally.
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